What to Bring

Remember to bring anything that you might need for the day:
- Picnic food and snacks to eat and share.

- Sun protection: Sunscreen, a floppy hat or parasol, and sunglasses.

- Toys: Sidewalk chalk, kites, hula hoops, croquet sets, water guns… anything that you want to play with or invite others to join you in!

- Costumes: FIGMENT falls right around Halloween and is the perfect time to play make-believe (for both kids & adults!) Self-expression is one of our 11 principles!

- Flowers, incense, feathers, candles, banners, flags, totems, glowsticks, families, animals, musical instruments

-As more projects are curated, items will be added to the list that reflect how you can come best prepared to participate!

The following items are PROHIBITED at Riverside Park, please do not bring them:
- Glass containers
- Alcohol
- Weapons
- Anything that is not legal to have in public in Jacksonville, FL

We invite you to bring your art, performance, or artistic endeavors and hope that you will take advantage of FIGMENT as a creative outlet for your work. Please note that you cannot bring anything that needs to be staked into the ground, be connected to a power source, plotted on the map, or scheduled for a stage or performance area unless your project is pre-registered with FIGMENT. To check submit a project, visit here.